UFO Mystery, essential oils, psychic car crashes

Welcome to the NZ Skeptics newsletter.

The COVID-19 pandemic marches on throughout the world, and this week we're seeing tragic increases in deaths in India. Unfortunately it seems that the Indian government was premature in announcing victory over COVID back in January.

While many first world countries are making great progress in rolling out vaccines it seems that the poorer countries are struggling. There's potential long-term consequences for letting the pandemic run out-of-control as the massive number of cases allow for mutations to create new, potentially deadlier or more infectious strains of the virus.

It's clearly in all our best interests to support the whole of humanity to deal with the pandemic, though there seems little that individuals in our isolated part of the world can do to help.

Being lucky to live in NZ where we've managed to isolate ourselves effectively I was able to socialise this weekend, attending a friend's 40th birthday. There's strong social norms associated with meeting socially with people, from hugging friends to shaking hands with new acquaintances. And wouldn't you know it, I've got a cold! I'm hoping it will be over with quickly!

Wishing you a great week...

Craig Shearer

An interesting video has appeared on YouTube which gives a rational explanation for a UFO video taken by US Navy personnel. The UFO video, promoted by Jeremy Corbell who runs a website called ... (282 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

Essential oils are one of those trendy products that seem to be very popular at the moment, and they seem to be a great money-maker for their manufacturers and retailers, with the estimated market ... (175 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

TV psychic Maurice Amdur, star of UK TV shows Maurice's Psychic World and Four Rooms has been left to pay £100,000 in legal costs after attempting to sue an insurance company for his loss of his ... (224 words)

Category: News