Essential Oils causing seizures

Essential oils are one of those trendy products that seem to be very popular at the moment, and they seem to be a great money-maker for their manufacturers and retailers, with the estimated market size of over $17 Billion dollars globally in 2017.

Essential Oils are derived from plant matter, and are claimed to contain the “essence” of the plant, whatever that is. They're typically used in Aromatherapy, via a diffuser, which puts the molecules into the air. Who doesn't like an attractive smell in the air which may have some positive mental effects, but as far as providing actual proven benefits studies are usually small.

One downside to using essential oils could be that they can potentially trigger convulsive seizures in some people according to a study in India, written up in The Academic Times. The study determined a correlation between the use of camphor and eucalyptus essential oils and seizures. While proving causation requires further research it seems there's certainly an association, and it's not implausible that inhaling these molecules might well have neurological effects.