Social Media Cleansing

It's been a very busy few weeks for me of Birthdays, training, events, and Christmas tree decoration. My irrational rage at people who erect festive trinket dust collectors before December 1st has abated, only to be replaced by incredulity over people who are 'decorating' their routers with faraday cages to protect themselves from 5G.

Jess Macfarlane

Jess Macfarlane

Business insider finds that YouTube's algorithms are still sucking people deep down into whirlpools of misinformation, however, anti-vaccination messages aren't among those messages. Unfortunately, ... (206 words)

Category: News

Jess Macfarlane published a survey looking at New Zealanders perceptions of misinformation. One finding was “The majority of New Zealanders surveyed agree that disinformation has the ability to greatly ... (77 words)

Category: News

Jess Macfarlane

The ABC News website published a story about a keto pill scam using a famous (in Australia) NZ born TV Doctor (Dr Brad McKay) to promote their nonsense without his knowledge. Dr McKay was not happy ... (209 words)

Category: News

Jess Macfarlane

Understanding marketing tactics is a good way to learn how to be more skeptical about them. Knowledge can help you take off that wool you didn't know had been pulled over your eyes, and see the truth ... (313 words)

Category: News