Wellington's "Allergy" Expo

Yesterday I went to an "Allergy Free and Healthy Living Show" in Porirua. Sadly there were very few stands at the expo that were about allergies - there was Allergy NZ and Coeliac New Zealand. Most of the stands were selling fake cures for big bucks.



I talked to ZenTeq - a maker of magnetic bands. We've talked about them before, because Victor Rieter was taken to court after he started a fight a couple of years ago with a seller of rival product Shuzi - Victor ended up punching the Shuzi seller in the head, and had to pay medical costs.


The ZenTeq stand made all sorts of dodgy claims, which was strange because I complained to the Advertising Standards Authority about these claims back in 2016 and Zenteq were asked to stop making them. I've also complained to the Advertising Standards Authority about Shuzi. In fact, I think I'd probably successfully complained about maybe half a dozen companies that were in the room.

I talked with Victor about the bracelets he was selling, and he "explained" how they worked: