Skeptical Thoughts

Mark Honeychurch

Doterra is a successful multinational company which sells innovative medical treatments - or at least that's what they'd have you believe. In reality, it appears to be a Multi Level Marketing scheme, ... (681 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - doterra -
Mark Honeychurch

The prevailing scientific opinion on lie detector tests is that they don't work well enough to be relied on in courts as evidence - in fact, they're probably not even a good way of discerning the ... (100 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - polygraph -
Mark Honeychurch

A company is making claims about their soap made out of breast milk. Ignoring the ick factor that many people will have with the idea of making soap from breast milk, there's no evidence that, as ... (159 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - milk -