Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
July 2, 2017
Mark Honeychurch
A mother in the US was found by doctors to be causing her child to fall ill because she was taking pills made from her own placenta. A company in the US makes the pills from dried placenta, and you ... (148 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - placenta -Mark Honeychurch
Alex Jones, anchor man of the news outlet InfoWars in the US, hosted Robert David Steele on his show this week, and talked about Robert's theory that NASA are holding slave children on Mars. This has ... (156 words)
Category: News
- conspiracy - nasa -Mark Honeychurch
Since I attended the opening of the new Scientology building in January, I have been called occasionally by a church member called Will who has been inviting me to Auckland Scientology events. ... (767 words)
Category: News
- religion - scientology -