Australian who faked cancer diagnosis and cure found guilty

Belle Gibson of Australia, who lied about a cancer diagnosis to sell alternative medicine, has been found guilty of "defrauding clients and profiting from false cancer claims".

Back in 2009 Belle Gibson claimed she had cancer, and that she was treating it with "natural" remedies. She released a cookbook and iPhone app (called The Whole Pantry) helping others to use diet to treat medical conditions.

The issue came to light when Belle was investigated for claims that she'd raised money for charity - up to $300k. It turns out that she had taken money for charities, but not passed it on. From there, journalists looked into her claims of having healed herself of cancer, and found that she had fabricated the diagnosis and the miraculous healing through diet, exercise and unproven therapies.

The worrying part of this story is that, despite having been in court in recent weeks, Belle is simultaneously promoting a new fad diet online (the Master Fast System) under the name of "Harry Gibson":

"Ms Gibson bragged about losing four kilograms, healing two tooth cavities, improving her intestine function, and even changing her eye colour after just 11 days using the system, according to posts on the MFS Facebook group. She even claimed to have expelled two rope worms measuring 15 and 60 centimetres during an enema"