Scientology "Ideal Org" Grand Opening

Scientology are pushing to open new "Ideal Orgs" around the world, and Auckland's old Whitecliffe Art school building has been converted to a new Org. It was purchased in 2007 with a $10 million loan from Scientology central, but recently local Scientologists borrowed a further $6 million to restore and modernise the building.


Yesterday, there was a grand opening. I went along with another couple of skeptics, and had no problems getting in. There were probably about 500 people present, and many of them seemed to be Scientologists from overseas.



First there was a Maori greeting, followed by a song:


After I'd live streamed a couple of videos, I was asked to stop recording the event. Several others were asked to stop recording as well. Staff members were quiet but strict about where people should sit/stand, what we were and weren't allowed to do, etc.

An American woman MCd. We heard from several "notable" people - an architect who helped with the restoration, a Maori Warden, and an ex senior policeman, all of who believed that Scientology is essential - before David Miscavige, the head of Scientology, took the stage: