Skeptical Thoughts

Mark Honeychurch

The infamous Brio clinic in Thailand has sucked in unsuspecting kiwis, promising to treat them with unconventional therapies for cancer. One unfortunate victim, Holly Devine, died after raising ... (249 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - cancer -
Mark Honeychurch

There is currently a bill working its way through parliament which proposes moving the decision to fluoridate water supplies away from local councils and into the hands of DHBs. This appears to be a ... (199 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - fluoride -
Mark Honeychurch

Mark Hanna at the Society for Science Based Healthcare has complained recently about the Napier Courier's column written by a local homeopathy business, called "Homeopathy Hub". the weekly column ... (294 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - homeopathy -
Mark Honeychurch

Despite much criticism of both the original broadcasts and the recent reruns, it appears that TVNZ are recording a new episode of Sensing Murder. The episode focuses on a murder in Napier in 2008. In ... (346 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - psychic -