Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
July 10, 2016
Mark Honeychurch
Australian Ken Ham's Creation "Museum" has opened its newest attraction, the Ark Encounter, on Thursday. Of course, the "ark" would never float and has been built using modern methods and materials, ... (204 words)
Category: News
- religion - ark -Mark Honeychurch
Yet another infomercial style article has been published on the NZ Herald, this time talking about the benefits of bee venom. Abeeco are a major seller of bee products in New Zealand, and they have ... (155 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - bee - venom -Mark Honeychurch
This weekend's lottery Powerball jackpot was worth $40 million, with 3 winners. The NZ Herald and Newstalk ZB reported on Richard Lustig, a US man who has won several prizes and written a book ... (273 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - lottery -Mark Honeychurch
I was asked for my thoughts about the most recent Sensing Murder re-run last week, and an article was published on Monday talking about the program. I talked with journalist Carly Gooch about how ... (1030 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - psychic -