Alt Med peddler Chris Savage stopped at Auckland airport
Mark Honeychurch (June 12, 2016)
Chris Savage, an ex police officer from Australia, has a long history of being outright dangerous. He's anti-vaccine, and claims to be able to treat autism and cancer with magnesium (chloride) and DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) infusions. He's currently in New Zealand, and has been treating people while claiming he's a doctor.
Chris has previously said he thinks vaccinators should be shot, and that the Australian government should give him his guns back.
He has been in New Zealand for a couple of months, and was stopped by police at Auckland airport after missing a court appearance. He is now due on court on an assault charge ('assault with needle') for injecting someone in the Hawkes Bay with magnesium. The victim was hospitalised after the injection.
Hawkes Bay DHB previously put out a warning about Chris, saying:
"Hawke's Bay District Health Board is warning the public not to follow medical or treatment advice of Christopher Savage.
Hawke's Bay District Health Board has been informed that Christopher Savage says that he is a Doctor and is offering medical treatments in the Napier area. However, Mr Savage is not registered with the New Zealand Medical Council.
The district health board has referred the matter to Police and the Ministry of Health but in the meantime is urging the public not to follow any medical or treatment advice Christopher Savage offers."
Chris has been told not to treat anyone while he's pending his day in court, but given his past actions it's unlikely he'll follow this order. He's now trying to raise money to help defend himself by selling the product he's in trouble for treating someone with!