Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
March 13, 2016
Mark Honeychurch
An article on Stuff makes a lot of claims about these herbs and spices, but makes sure to qualify their claims with phrases such as: could be beneficial can be linked to age-old remedy used to ward ... (327 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - naturopathy -Mark Honeychurch
A Christian blogger has warned that mandalas in adult colouring in books could be dangerous. She suggests that the magical new age claims made about mandalas are true, that they have the ability to ... (150 words)
Category: News
- religion - mandala -Mark Honeychurch
The Mandela Effect is where people have false memories of past events, and decide that there's been a jump to an alternative universe where history is different. The name comes from the first ... (314 words)
Category: News
- conspiracy - mandela -Mark Honeychurch
Christchurch council has voted 12-1 to look into ceasing use of glyphosate to kill weeds. The decision seems to have been made based on a recent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) ... (197 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - glyphosate -