The world ends... again

During the recent visit of Pope Francis to the United States, in every city he visited, (Washington DC, New York City and Philadelphia,) there were people at the fringes of the largest crowds wearing bright yellow shirts, often carrying large yellow signs, handing out literature proclaiming the end of the world for October 7, 2015 from eBible Fellowship, led by Chris McCann.

Their reasoning is:

  • "10,000 days" since God began judgment on the house of God, the churches of the world, on May 21, 1988
  • The "1,600^th^ day" since God began judgment on the world on May 21, 2011; it would be the "40^th^" forty
  • the last day of the Feast of Harvest, which God relates to the end of the world.
  • "the last day" of the Feast of Tabernacles

We had this a few weeks ago with the blood moon, so it's surprising to see it again so soon.

Of course, no end of the world happened.

October 8th

Dear friends,

For some time now E Bible Fellowship (and myself) have been looking towards October 7th as the likely end of the world. We believed there was a strong likelihood that God would complete His judgment and bring about the world's destruction on that day. There was much biblical information pointing to this date and we freely shared it with all. Yet, consistently stressing throughout the entire time period that the world ending on that date was a "strong likelihood." Since it is now October 8th it is now obvious that we were incorrect regarding the world's ending on the 7th.

Did We Lie?

No. The fact is that we consistently told people that October 7th, 2015 (being the end of the world) was a strong likelihood. And according to the good amount of biblical evidence at our disposal it was. Therefore saying it was a "strong likelihood" was a true statement. We also openly acknowledged that there was a small likelihood that it would not happen. There was no lie or deceitfulness involved in any way.

NZ Skeptics conferenceā€¦

November 20th-22nd, Christchurch, Apocalyptic theme. $135

Great speakers both from New Zealand and abroad, talking on a wide variety of potentially world-ending issues - GMO, superbugs, zombies, climate change.