Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
September 27, 2015
Mark Honeychurch
Matthew Dawson-Clarke, 24, from Auckland was in Peru and took part in a cleansing ceremony. Ayahuasca (pr. Ayuwasca) is hallucinogenic and illegal in many countries. It is popular amongst new age ... (108 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - ayahuasca - cam -Mark Honeychurch
Apparently the current drought in California is a conspiracy. Dane Wigington, lead researcher for GeoEngineering Watch says: "Climate engineering is the single greatest assault on the environment ... (113 words)
Category: News
- conspiracy - drought -Mark Honeychurch
The Dalai Lama has spoken about his successor, and suggested that if it's a woman, they would have to be attractive. "If female Dalai Lama did come, then that female must be very attractive. ... (54 words)
Category: News
- religion - buddhism -Mark Honeychurch
A blood moon is a new name for a lunar eclipse, where the earth travels between the sun and the moon. The full moon turns red. April Eclipse was visible April 5th, 1am. This one is visible from South ... (271 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - moon -Mark Honeychurch
Stuff published an article last week about Tamaha McDonald, from Blenheim, who is currently living in Mexico. Tamaha's wife, Jennifer, suffers from a lung condition which means that she needs a ... (98 words)
Category: News
- religion - miracle -