A recent UMR Research poll has provided a snapshot of what New Zealanders believe about a range of paranormal subjects. More than half accept that some people have psychic powers; on the other hand, ... (412 words)
Category: Editorial
- assumptions - evolution - illusions - debunking - survey -Research at Victoria University of Wellington is shedding light on the often irrational processes by which people assess new information. This article is based on presentations to the 2010 NZ ... (2253 words)
Category: Features
- assumptions - court hearings - education - witnesses - survey - investigation -When the Sunday Star-Times decided to survey the nation on how superstitious New Zealanders are and about what, Vicki Hyde got used as a guinea pig. Part One of her responses was published in the ... (1944 words)
Category: Features
- assumptions - media reporting - statistics - urban myths - survey -Although formal religion is continuing to decline in this country, belief in the supernatural remains high. That seems to be the main conclusion to be drawn from a recent survey of New Zealand ... (425 words)
Category: Editorial
- ufos - religious belief - superstition - religion - survey -When the Sunday Star-Times decided to survey the nation on how superstitious New Zealanders are and about what, I got used as guinea pig. Having done a lot of survey design and analysis during the ... (1773 words)
Category: Features
- interviews - media reporting - superstition - survey - urban myths -An Auckland University study reveals the costs-financial and emotional-of telephone psychics. There are no published reports estimating how many people use psychic hotlines in New Zealand, but belief ... (1286 words)
Category: Features
- psychics - psychology - exploitation - hotlines - survey - research - telephone -