There were hundreds of Christians at Parliament on Tuesday calling for the reinstatement of the name of Jesus in parliament's prayer. There were people wearing Make America Great Again hats, bikers ... (722 words)
Category: News
- religion - prayer - parliament -At last year's NZ Skeptics conference Bob Brockie reflected on his career as a newspaper columnist and explained why he has no future with the Mormon Church. After spending most of my life as a ... (2073 words)
Category: Features
- acupuncture - creation science - health scares - media reporting - prayer - humour - alternative medicine -A widely publicised trial which appeared to show prayer was effective in enhancing fertility now appears to have been fraudulent. In 2001 an extraordinary paper, from the highly regarded Columbia ... (908 words)
Category: Features
- religious belief - homeopathy - flawed research - ethics - fertility - religion - prayer -