The Enlightenment -- a period of intellectual progress in Europe and North America during the eighteenth century -- saw superstition, dogma and ignorance lose ground to reason, science and freedom of ... (830 words)
Category: Columns
- postmodernism - history -Like scientists, historians use a dependable methodology to ensure their findings are reliable. Assertions of historical fact can properly be based only on empirical evidence. Historians then use ... (791 words)
Category: Columns
- history - religious belief - education - postmodernism -_A physicist with hidden motives writes something unexpected for a "cultural studies" journal. Was it a churlish hoax or a valuable exposure of nonsense?_ The Nando Times Voices recently published ... (932 words)
Category: Features
- postmodernism -Postmodern thinkers claim to have broken the fetters of logic that have characterised rational discourse since the enlightenment. They claim to have ushered in a new age of freedom of communication, ... (804 words)
Category: Editorial
- postmodernism - education - scepticism -Reasoning About Reason Congratulations on featuring the superb contribution from Peter Münz in Skeptic 31. It seems to concur with a passage from Antony Flew I have just been reading. He says that to ... (388 words)
Category: Forum
- postmodernism - philosophy -What is it that keeps superstitions going in the face of our increasing knowledge about the world? There is no easy, let alone absolute, way of telling the difference between a true belief and a ... (1713 words)
Category: Features
- superstition - scientific method - postmodernism - philosophy -