near death experiences

A best-selling book claiming to present evidence of life after death may not be all it's cracked up to be. I recently read an article ("Heaven's Gate", SA Weekend Magazine, The Advertiser, December ... (1475 words)

Category: Features

- thinking - religious belief - critical appraisal - near death experiences - out-of-body experiences - paranormal -

Fake bomb detector leads to deaths One of the main reasons for the success Al Qaeda has had in getting bombs past checkpoints in Iraq is that the main device used to detect explosives is a uselss ... (1276 words)

Category: News

- alternative health treatments - strange phenomena - environmental issues - alternative medicine - ufo - near death experiences -

Geller offers to exorcise artwork The Scottish border city of Carlisle says a stone artwork commissioned to mark the millennium has brought floods, pestilence and sporting humiliation, but an ... (1389 words)

Category: News

- exorcism - predictions - ufos - hoaxes - hypersensitivity - electricity - computer generated - fortune tellers - near death experiences - death - forecasts - ufo - niwa -