For almost half a century, it's seemed like human destiny to go into Space. When we were kids, everyone wanted to be an astronaut when they grew up. The loss of the Columbia space shuttle hasn't ... (517 words)
Category: Editorial
- astronomy - machines - predictions -Sickness and Psychogenic Illness The Canterbury ME (chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS) are up in arms over proposed tighter controls on patients receiving both invalid and sickness benefits. CFS ... (2070 words)
Category: Columns
- psychogenic illness - psychology - philosophy - homeopathy - machines -It may interest skeptics to know that I have solved the world's energy problems. The concept is surprisingly simple... but then works of great brilliance often are. Our methods employ what we call ... (353 words)
Category: Columns
- machines - humour - spoofs -A Sprite in your Spirit, a Bogle in your Benzine, a Fury in your Fuel, a Greyhound in your Gasoline. With acknowledgement to the oil company which, many years ago, urged us to "Put a Tiger in your ... (500 words)
Category: Features
- environmental issues - machines - marketing - inventions -This is a summary of a talk given at the 1992 Skeptics conference by Dr Eric Geiringer. [An E-meter is a device used by members of the Church of Scientology, and some related groups or individuals, ... (398 words)
Category: Features
- scientific explanations - machines -