free speech
A Waikato University lecturer has been named on a website for Latter-Day Saints as anti-mormon. American history senior lecturer Dr Raymond Richards has accused the Mormon Church of irresponsible ... (261 words)
Category: News
- religious belief - history - free speech -Hamilton is a progressive place where the difficult issues are tackled. Rather than being a cow town (we're not! we're not!), we sit around of a Friday evening and debate the Big Questions. We had a ... (446 words)
Category: Editorial
- creation science - free speech -Complaints Process Then and Now I found it interesting to read Bernard Howard's article on complaining to the authorities. I myself complained about an incident that happened some years ago, when ... (818 words)
Category: Forum
- free speech - scepticism - religious belief -Three sketpics go head to head with a creationist lecturer. When the call went out on the Skeptics' mailing list for people to take part in a debate against Australian creationist John Mackay, I ... (841 words)
Category: Features
- evolution - free speech - creation science -AS MOST readers will now be aware, the Ian Plimer/Allen Roberts court case has been adjudicated, and the results for Ian were not as he had hoped. The case was brought under federal Trade Practices ... (1367 words)
Category: Features
- legislation - creation science - free speech -