drug testing
Matthew Willey recalls the days before the internet, and an old friend My friend Maggie had a wasting, incurable illness. If that sounds awfully sad, well, it was. But we had a great friendship and ... (633 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - drug testing - human nature - alternative medicine - complementary medicine - exploitation -Stuart Landsborough conducts a small experiment which may land him in big trouble. I tried an experiment with my wife, but until now she knows nothing about it. I wonder what her reaction will be ... (692 words)
Category: Features
- assumptions - biodynamics - chemicals - drug testing - chemistry - conspiracies - critical appraisal -Vitamin C is essential to human health, but our understanding of its role has been perverted by practitioners of 'alternative' medicine. The 18th-century discovery that oral citrus juice can protect ... (3244 words)
Category: Features
- alternative health treatments - cancer - drug testing - alternative medicine - vitamins -Get in Now While the Getting's Good John Welch finds that the sexual abuse industry rolls on unabated. Sexual Abuse Rort ACC (aka "Aggrieved Clamouring Claimants") has thrown the doors wide open for ... (1132 words)
Category: Columns
- sexual abuse - homeopathy - alternative health treatments - drug testing -Arthritis and Placebos In Skeptic 30, John Britten outlined the tragic results which can occur when patients fall into the clutches of quacks. In this case, a man with rheumatoid arthritis was not ... (1889 words)
Category: Columns
- drug testing - faith healing - psychology - conversion illnesses -Many people will remember Dr Bill Morris's entertaining autobiographical talk at the last Skeptics' conference in Wellington. From his presentation, we extract this discussion of what is still the ... (1651 words)
Category: Features
- medicine - drug testing -