
"… she successfully resisted the forces pitted against her, giving an astounding manifestation of some power other than that making up the ordinary phenomena of nature." So wrote the Feilding Star on ... (1886 words)

Category: Features

- biodynamics - education - false allegations - illusions - pseudoscience - scientific explanations - spoofs - critical appraisal - debunking - hoax - human nature -

The discovery of a long-missing body offers a rare chance to put the psychic stars of Sensing Murder to the test. On Saturday 19 May 2012 the remains of Auckland teenager Jane Furlong were found in ... (2249 words)

Category: Features

- cold reading - media reporting - psychics - television shows - critical appraisal - debunking - television -

A recent UMR Research poll has provided a snapshot of what New Zealanders believe about a range of paranormal subjects. More than half accept that some people have psychic powers; on the other hand, ... (412 words)

Category: Editorial

- assumptions - evolution - illusions - debunking - survey -

NZ Skeptics link up with a British campaign against homeopathy. On January 30 there was a concerted global mass overdose - but no-one died because the 'medication' was homeopathic. The event grew ... (1451 words)

Category: Features

- alternative health treatments - health industry - homeopathy - alternative medicine - debunking -

Some fields that claim the authority of science may be in need of an overhaul. This article is based on a presentation to the NZ Skeptics 2009 conference in Wellington, 26 September. I have always ... (1960 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - evolution - pseudoscience - psychology - debunking - evolutionary psychology -

Alison Campbell ponders the evolutionary significance of lolcats. Makes me chuckle when I think about it. Not just because Lolcats ( make me LOL (they do), but also because ... (389 words)

Category: Columns

- assumptions - evolution - education - debunking -