complementary medicine

Pills & Potions at the Cotter Medical History Trust, by Claire le Couteur. Otago University Press, 2014. RRP $25. Reviewed by Vicki Hyde. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or wince as I paged ... (427 words)

Category: Reviews

- alternative health treatments - disease - health industry - alternative medicine - complementary medicine -

"Alkaline and hydrogen-rich" water is being touted as the latest cure-all. There is a sort of health shop in the Johnsonville Mall on the outside of which is this handsome sign: Which is intriguing. ... (819 words)

Category: Features

- alternative health treatments - biodynamics - chemicals - alternative medicine - chemistry - complementary medicine -

Siouxsie Wiles takes a look at a new medical journal - available at all good supermarkets. I'm a scientist. I know that the word journal has several meanings, but when I use it I'm referring to a ... (657 words)

Category: Columns

- advertising - alternative health treatments - alternative medicine - complementary medicine -

Magnetic claims challenged Online claims that magnetic wrist and ankle bands have therapeutic benefits have had to be removed following a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (NZ Herald, ... (1234 words)

Category: News

- alternative health treatments - assumptions - health scares - magnets - alternative medicine - cancer - complementary medicine -

Matthew Willey recalls the days before the internet, and an old friend My friend Maggie had a wasting, incurable illness. If that sounds awfully sad, well, it was. But we had a great friendship and ... (633 words)

Category: Columns

- alternative health treatments - drug testing - human nature - alternative medicine - complementary medicine - exploitation -

Making a submission to a parliamentary committee proved to be a worthwhile exercise. When the Natural Health Products Bill was introduced to Parliament in September 2011 with cross-party support it ... (2317 words)

Category: Features

- alternative health treatments - public pressure - natural products - alternative medicine - complementary medicine - pharmaceuticals -

Having a basic knowledge of the principles of chemistry can help one evade the pitfalls of many pseudosciences - but it's not infallible. This article is based on a presentation to the 2011 NZ ... (2610 words)

Category: Features

- chemicals - homeopathy - pseudoscience - complementary medicine - environment - chemistry -

Proponents of alternative therapies often throw around charges of vested interest when challenged. But often their own interests don't bear scrutiny. As this is the first of what I hope will be a ... (1042 words)

Category: Columns

- alternative health treatments - chemicals - diagnosis techniques - alternative medicine - ayurvedic medicine - complementary medicine -