
It's always good to see people who aren't known to me in the skeptical community making complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority. Dr Holmes complained to the ASA recently about a Sanitarium ... (220 words)

Category: News

- complaint - asa - weetbix -

The ASA have had issues recently with the amount of complaints us skeptics have been submitting to them for dodgy medical claims. It appears that as a result of a particular complaint about an ... (223 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - asa -

MagneSleep lost an ASA complaint about a magnetic bracelet they sell, and they don't like me I run an activism group in Wellington, and we submit ASA complaints, OIA requests, etc. MagneSleep sold a ... (220 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - asa - magnet -

A new website shows stats for ASA complaints. There are lots of companies making unsupported claims, such as Life Energy Designs - who tell us that the earth poisons us with Electromagnetic Waves ... (46 words)

Category: News

- skeptics - asa - cam -