Warwick Don

Warwick Don, before retirement, was senior lecturer in zoology, University of Otago and is an ardent opponent of scientific creationism.

Warwick Don

Ian Wishart is one of New Zealand's more prominent creationists. In a recent book he takes on evolutionary biology, a task for which he seems ill-equipped. In his latest book, Eve's Bite (2007), ... (1878 words)

Category: Features

- evolution - creation science - evolutionary biology - darwin - fossils - creationists -
Warwick Don

Warwick Don celebrated the 21st annual NZ Skeptics conference by presenting a potted history of the society. IN 1976, several arch skeptics got together in the US to found the Committee for the ... (1771 words)

Category: Features

Warwick Don

In this issue Ian Wishart responds to Warwick Don's critique of his article on Intelligent Design. I deny any fudging on the use of the word "creationist". I make a clear distinction between ... (607 words)

Category: Features

- creation science - philosophy - scientific method - evolution -
Warwick Don

A critique of "Walking with Beasts", by Ian Wishart, Investigate Magazine, June 2002 A Prominent English state school, Emmanuel City Technological College, has recently decided to include creationism ... (2215 words)

Category: Features

- creation science - science curriculum -
Warwick Don

The old creationist claim that there are no transitional forms in the fossil record is starting to look a bit tired A perennial contention of creationists opposed to evolution is that transitions or ... (1486 words)

Category: Features

- creation science - evolution - scientific explanations -
Warwick Don

On 8 February 1994, Professor Clyde F. Herreid, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Buffalo, gave a talk in the Department of Zoology, University of Otago entitled "The Magician as ... (96 words)

Category: News

- magicians - scientific explanations -
Warwick Don

In August 1989, the Christchurch Press published two articles from The Economist which were highly critical of "scientific" creationists and their "discipline". The articles sparked a correspondence ... (514 words)