Neil McKenzie
Neil McKenzie is a Tauranga GP.
Neil McKenzie
Firstly, I must commend the September 1999 Midland Renal Service Nephrology newsletter. It warned that anyone presenting with unexplained or worsening kidney disease should be questioned about their ... (713 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments -Neil McKenzie
Menopausal Madness In the wake of the green-lipped mussel debacle, the Australian Menopause Society (AMS) convened an expert panel of doctors to discuss controversial areas of menopausal medicine. ... (580 words)
Category: Columns
- homeopathy - alternative health treatments - medicine -Neil McKenzie
ONCE again the medical profession has made a mess of its relations with the public, and I'm not talking about Gisborne smear takers. Little Liam's folks have made a right monkey out of the doctors. ... (554 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - medicine - charlatans -Neil McKenzie
Fat Chance I START with another example of chemists' lack of ethics and the gullibility of the public. In November 28 issue of the Listener, the ever suspicious Pamela Stirling did a good expose on ... (713 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - medicine - media reporting -Neil McKenzie
Soft Targets Like Noel O'Hare, I attended the September Skeptics' conference. Noel, winner of an NZ Skeptics Bravo Award "for critical analysis and common sense for his health column throughout ... (760 words)
Category: Columns
- medicine - scepticism - charlatans -Neil McKenzie
Think Big Hypnotist Lawrence Follas claims he can increase the size of a client's bust by telling her to imagine her breasts are growing (Sunday News 24 May). He says his client's breasts have grown ... (790 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments -Neil McKenzie
Often Overacting Syndrome A ruse by any other name smells just as fishy, and it seems RSI, OOS and OOI are good examples, if a UK surgeon is to be believed. According to Murray Matthewson, the ... (915 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - charlatans -Neil McKenzie
Quack Croaks Perhaps it's a coincidence, but many experts in non-proven schemes fall on their own swords. For example, Hoxsey died of cancer, and recently a Lower Hutt clairvoyant went bankrupt (due ... (1089 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - charlatans - ghosts - exorcism - witch hunts - recovered memory -Neil McKenzie
Sharma Karma Another "I've seen the light" American quack whizzed through New Zealand recently, spreading his own magical brew of antioxidants, lacto-vegetarian diets, bioFlavonoid herbs, and, wait ... (868 words)
Category: Columns
- medicine - alternative health treatments -Neil McKenzie
In the first of a new series, Tauranga GP Neil McKenzie comments on recent examples of pseudoscience relating to medicine. BEING a busy GP, running a jazz band, playing hockey and squash, and ... (1227 words)
Category: Columns
- medicine - alternative health treatments -