Lance Kennedy

I am a retired industrial chemist, with a bachelor's degree, ironically in biology. My specialty was using chemicals to control troublesome microorganisms in various industrial processes. I am a skeptic of long standing, a science geek who reads all kinds of scientific fields, a keen scuba diver, married to Delwyn and living on the beautiful Tutukaka coast. I am the author of one published book (Ecomyth) about the way environmental ideas have been screwed over.

Lance Kennedy

I can blame my skepticism on George Adamski. For those who do not know, that unworthy gentleman made money writing books about non-existent aliens. He even went to the extent of writing that his ... (279 words)

Category: News

Lance Kennedy

There are many kinds, and some are, frankly, full of bulldust! So what am I, and what are the members of the NZ Skeptics? My answer to that, is that we are science based skeptics. That is, we do not ... (535 words)

Category: News

Lance Kennedy

This is an opinion piece. That is, it is my opinion. Some of you may feel that I am wrong. If so, you are welcome to disagree. Please feel free to express your own views in the next issue of this ... (1189 words)

Lance Kennedy

Alpha was hunting. He was rushing through his jungle at break neck speed, close behind the giant grazer. He realised there was a massive series of meals in the beast. As he dashed, he worked on his ... (1015 words)

Lance Kennedy

Enrico Fermi was a genius, and his mind worked lightning fast. When his co-workers were audibly speculating on how many alien civilisations might live in our galaxy, he simply looked up and asked: ... (1209 words)

Lance Kennedy

Growing old is a bummer. At age 70, I am supposed to have gained more wisdom, but I really cannot say I have noticed. But there are certain physical attributes that are definitely not as good as when ... (1183 words)

Lance Kennedy

Recently, I was in conversation with a couple of people here in Tutukaka. The topic was the local tourist map which I produce and pay for with a series of small advertisements. I was asking them to ... (1313 words)

Lance Kennedy

New Zealand has a nuclear free policy. In relation to weapons, I totally agree with that. A nuclear bomb is an obscene and horrible device and the sooner the world can see its way to eliminating all ... (3996 words)