Future Perfect
Alistair Blenney (April 3, 2023)
Al Blenney
Do you think that QAnon is not ambitious enough in its scope? Then you need NESARA.
The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of economic reforms for the United States proposed during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard, an engineering consultant and teacher.
Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on loans, and returning U.S. currency to the gold standard, would result in 0% inflation and a more prosperous economy.
Based on his theory that debt is the primary economic factor inhibiting growth of the economy, and compound interest the number one "moral evil" and reason for debt, Barnard printed 1,000 copies of this proposal, with the title of Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996). He sent copies to members of Congress, apparently thinking his ideas were so obviously meritorious they would be quickly adopted. Nothing came of this effort and Barnard made several other attempts during the 1990s to draw attention to his suggested economic recovery, but the proposals were never introduced to Congress.
After his efforts to gain political support failed, he decided to publish his proposals on the Internet. There they might have died except for the efforts of one Shaini Candace Goodwin, known as the "Dove of Oneness" and a former student of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment (Ramtha being a 35,000-year-old entity channelled by J.Z.Knight).
She began posting about it in forums and on a website promoting it. Goodwin claimed that the NESARA bill actually made it to Congress and was passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act by a secret session in March 2000 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The new law was to come into effect at 10 a.m. on September 11, 2001, but the computers with all their data (of who should receive the trillions of dollars released to the public as a result of NESARA) were destroyed in one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks – supposedly orchestrated by President George W. Bush, a member of the evil cabal controlling the world. And all the gold stored there in order to establish a gold-backed new US currency was stolen. Apparently an order issued by the US Supreme Court had banned anyone from publicising the existence of the Act, with the death penalty for any such whistle-blowers (which presumably would have included herself). Goodwin also claimed that Bush started the Iraq War as a distraction from NESARA.
Goodwin's description of NESARA goes far beyond Barnard's proposal by cancelling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections. (Barnard disowned Goodwin's embellishments, calling her postings “Dove droppings”, but by then it was too late – her version became the standard text).
She claimed there was a group of mostly senior military officials, whom she called the "White Knights," who were trying to have the “law” brought into force. Goodwin's internet presence developed a large following and those who believed her principles should apply to the whole world started using the acronym GESARA (standing either for Global Economic Security and Recovery Act or Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). Goodwin noted that proposed improvements to the implementation of NESARA were due to the meditations and prayers of her followers.
QAnon notionally has a single authoritative voice – Q. GESARA has no such definitive authority so people are able to make up their own interpretation of “what comes next and when” with no-one to gainsay them. Goodwin was the nearest to an authoritative voice initially (she died in 2010). But once she gained a following the theories of how the “law” would be implemented started to metastasize. But otherworldly beings do feature quite often in the implementation of the system.
An example from John Morse on the site theeventchronicle.com describes GESARA as having been “written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation.
The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away:
- The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.
- Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.
- Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.
Morse's article was written in 2016.
Wikipedia gives a sample of these non-humanoid entities:
- Sheldan Nidle ties the imminent NESARA announcement into his years-old prophecy of an imminent large scale UFO visitation by benevolent aliens.
- Jennifer Lee discussed a host of other-worldly and "interdimensional" beings who are helping behind the scenes to get NESARA announced.
- Sherry Shriner saw NESARA as linked to malevolent reptiloid aliens she asserted long controlled the U.S. government.
Otherworldly beings ... include a "channeled" cosmic being called "Hatonn" (an android Pleiadean), and another named "Sananda"... the "galactic name" of Ascended Master Jesus, which he uses in his role as Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Command flying saucer fleet.
Morse claims that GESARA is necessary because the galactic community has had enough of the bad direction that our civilisation has been heading for a long time.Some of the events predicted are:
- Abolition of the present US government.
- Suspension of all elections the world over.
- World peace!
- Implementation of the various financial arrangements of the (modified) GESARA
- Release of previously suppressed inventions such as free energy, anti-gravity and sonic healing devices.
Massawakening.org (Shoshi Herscu) details some other of these devices:
- Healing device: any ailment you were born with or gained at some point will be healed
- Food replicators
- Goods replicators
- Larger replicators create buildings and transport
Mike Holt's site (cirnow.com.au) hosts some details by John Grey (TL/DR) on the implementation of GESARA which involves the distribution of some four quadrillion dollars which has been accumulated by the cabal over many years. Every person alive at the time of the Great Currency Reset (GCR) will receive about 4.5 million dollars, some held in trust for those people judged unable to handle their new-found wealth. Also the enormous wealth that has been held in the Vatican bank on behalf of organised crime will be released as grants to anyone with a humanitarian project proposal.
Grey also adds to the GESARA list of specifications that the New Testament of the King James Bible is the ultimate source of laws, and any proposed laws must be in compliance with it. (At least he didn't specify it should be Leviticus!). No-one else seems to have taken on board this addition. He also says that GESARA was agreed to by all countries at The Hague in 2019 and 2020 and was in the process of being implemented in June 2022.
Linda Lazarides offers the following additional context: something called the Khazarian Mafia has controlled the world for hundreds of years, owning all the major banks and controlling most of the world's wealth. President Kennedy was killed for opposing this Mafia, but his “white hat” brigade continued to grow until in 2000 a group of Navy SEALs and Delta Force personnel invaded the White House and forced Bill Clinton, a cabal member, to sign the NESARA document at gunpoint. (Shoshi Herscu claims that Kennedy was assassinated because of his demand that the CIA share with NASA all UFO information, which would have exposed the Fourth Reich's Antarctica space program. Her site is generally most entertaining).
In a post dated 2010 Steve Beckow offers these details on the origins of NESARA in the fifteenth century. Apparently St. Germain and three other “ascended masters” created the new economic system, with (according to Sheldan Nidle) the development assistance, over the later centuries, of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation.
Shoshi Herscu describes the computers which will administer the newly released wealth as being a Quantum Financial System (QFS) hosted off-world on a satellite which cannot be hacked, although the cabal have tried to do so. Because it is a quantum computer, rather than a conventional computer, the cabal will have no access to it. This system, provided by benevolent extraterrestrials, will manage the Global Currency Reset. People's existing money, so long as it is engaged in legitimate business, will be exchanged for the new gold-backed currency. So no-one, except the cabal and their wicked banks, will lose out.
[Shaini Goodwin claimed (above) that the computers used to administer the new financial system were destroyed in the World Trade Centre attacks].
Herscu claims that there is a great awakening happening to all humans, leading to a higher level of awareness and consciousness and freedom from the enslaving cabal. This cannot be stopped although the cabal has tried to reverse this unstoppable wave by “accelerating the 5G rollout, forced vaccines, GMOs and other means of control and depopulation.”
She further claimed that the Great Reveal of the program was likely imminent as most countries are GESARA-compliant, the QFS was in place, and military tribunals began in January 2019.
A further timeline was provided by Patrick DaCosta in the Dinar Chronicles referenced by Herscu. By the 1st August 2019 all countries were expected to be GESARA compliant. It is thought that the new gold-backed currency system would be announced on August 1st and implemented on January 1st 2020.
So what is holding back the GCR from happening? According to Herscu the release of the Mueller report, in which President Trump would be completely exonerated and not indicted, meant that everything would be ready to trigger the GCR, and it would happen “soon”.
As might be expected with a leaderless cult, there are other predictions of the implementation date of GCR:
Shaini Goodwin predicted the NESARA announcement would likely happen some time in 2002, perhaps October 2003, subsequently March 2004, then maybe in 2005. John Grey, quoting Phil Godlewski, says GESARA would be implemented in 2021 before Christmas. Linda Lazarides says that implementation would begin in March 2013. David Robinson thought it would be implemented in 2015. Patrick DaCosta quoting Judy Byington on operationdisclosureofficial.com said that May 1st 2021 would begin with a global shutdown of media and implementation of the GESARA/ NESARA Debt Relief. Subsequently Donald Trump would be recognised as president with JFK Jr as VP. Mass arrests of cabal members would then commence.
Nancy Detweiler, on her site gives a history (the same information is copied across many sites – I don't know who originated it) of events leading up to NESARA, which includes the revelation that many highly placed people have been cloned; the purpose of this seems to be that the clones are more likely to do the cabal's bidding than their originals. Human cloning will be one of the suppressed technologies to be revealed on the great day.
Donald Trump does figure as the hero frequently and there is a lot of crossover with QAnon. It would also appear that many of the NESARA advocates get their day-to-day information from Fox News and its ilk. Dr. Michael Salla claimed that Trump's claim that he would “drain the swamp” was actually a war on the Deep State; a battle confronting the cabal; “an oppressive group of global controllers that has enslaved humanity through its domination of the mainstream media, and political, financial, cultural and religious institutions for centuries, if not millennia.” If Trump were to win this battle it would free humanity in much the same way as NESARA.
Mind you, Wen-jie Qin, thinks that Trump is a member of the cabal and that NESARA was designed to distract people from building a “civilisation of light”.
On Wed. 8 March 2023, international activation of NESARA/GESARA was announced in Dubai by “President” Trump and Dr. Charlie Ward by Judy Byington.
There is quite a bit for celebration, among the NESARA fans, of the various bank failures as heralding the beginning of the end for the cabal and the start of the Creat Currency Reset.
Mobile Billboards – so who paid for them?
As might be expected with any large-scale Internet fantasy there are those who seek to benefit financially. Goodwin (the “Dove”) was a shill for a Ponzi scheme called Omega Trust & Trading, organised by Clyde Hood. In the 1990s the scheme sucked in thousands of people, raking more than $20 million. Eventually the FBI became interested and Hood and seventeen others were convicted of various frauds and sentenced to long prison terms. Goodwin was not one of them and she decided that NESARA could be a safer money-making scheme.
This could be done by asking for donations to support her work publicising NESARA, usually in the name of covering expenses so that she could continue her advocacy. Other NESARA advocates thought this was a good idea.
Jennifer Lee set up a phone line which people could ring and get the latest updates on NESARA, frequently quoting liberally from the Dove's publications. She asked for donations to cover her expenses. Donors gave money, not in expectation of a tangible reward, but to support the righteous work of those trying to better the lives of all of us. But sometimes people on the grifting bandwagon faced “crises” in their lives – money needed for medical expenses, a new computer to spread the word, or to help a friend in dire need. Then more or larger donations might be requested.
In due course a complaint was lodged with a consumer protection office accusing Goodwin of conning at least $10,000 from a gullible old woman in San Francisco, although the family of the woman says that that amount is only a fraction of the money given to Goodwin. As some evidence of this, in 2004 a group of trucks advertising NESARA (pictured above) drove around Washington D.C for a few weeks. The estimated cost of this exercise was $40,000 which the family says came from their elderly relative. Goodwin was investigated by the IRS in 2007 over the source of this money. At her death she still owed them back taxes.
Meanwhile some of the money from the Omega scam was being clawed back, and offered as partial restitution to the investors. But Goodwin advised them not to register for the restitution program because, when the Great Currency Reset came about, all those who had not claimed restitution would be paid out the money that Omega had promised – millions and millions. See thenewstribune.com for a detailed rundown on Shaini Goodwin's manoeuvres.
Speaking of the GCR, there is a site selling trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes, (at above eBay rates) which it assures investors will magically acquire stupendous value when the GCR happens. There are other sites, which sometimes reference NESARA, selling large denomination Iraqi dinars (currently virtually worthless) but their revaluation will happen “any day now” and is not necessarily dependent on the GCR.
More detailed information on NESARA scammers can be found towards the end of jordansather.substack.com
NESARA Demonstration in front of the Peace Palace, the Hague, Netherlands
The NZ NESARA Facebook page (Nesara nz | Facebook) has 178 followers, but hasn't been updated since 2021 - perhaps people have realised that NESARA really is a crock, given that the various earlier predictions on the page have come to nothing. Certainly, the later postings from the usual suspects (Groundswell, Billy TK), and anti-vax, sovereign citizen and other conspiracy theorists, do seem to assume that the large-scale benefits of NESARA will never eventuate. If those benefits did appear then their complaints would probably seem unnecessary.
NESARA is not a rabbit hole; it's a rabbit warren.
h/t Bellingcat