
In my last newsletter I mentioned the local body elections which are currently underway. The elections have some candidates standing who are aligned with various “freedom” and anti-vax groups. The media has done a fairly good job of identifying at least some of the candidates representing dodgy positions.

But the important thing is to exercise your right to vote! You can be sure that those who want to see those candidates in positions of power are telling their members who to support, and they're more motivated to see them succeed than the average punter is to see them fail.

So, I urge you, go out and vote. I have!

If you need some help in deciding who NOT to vote for, FACT Aotearoa has put together a page on their website highlighting candidates with dodgy backgrounds or affiliations. It's a great resource - go here.

Amusingly, New Plymouth city council had some innovative signs encouraging people to vote, but alas they've fallen afoul of their own advertising rules. I support the message though!