Mask Flyer Timing fail

One of our skeptical operatives informed us of a Voices for Freedom flyer that's been turning up in mailboxes across the country. This one concerns masking.

It seems that they're obsessed with mask wearing. As you'll probably know, last week the government dropped a bunch of restrictions, including the traffic light system, and removed most of the requirements to wear masks.

So, it would seem that the flyers were completely pointless. And, most of the claims on the flyer are misleading, or based on only a kernel of truth. Still, it seems they have printed the flyers, at their supporters' expense (who knows who they are?), in anticipation of continued requirement to wear masks.

Of course, masks are still required in some settings, such as healthcare and aged care facilities. And, unfortunately, it seems that the government really has had to make a pragmatic political calculation.

I'm still wearing a mask, though I suspect that eventually there will be negative feedback and peer pressure to not wear them.

Masks work in reducing the transmission of infections. They're not perfect, but are part of a layered approach. It's sad to see layers of protection being removed.

Still, I'm glad to see that Voices for Freedom are becoming increasingly irrelevant, and it would seem that the tide of public opinion is turning against the minor support they once enjoyed.