Choosing candidates
Craig Shearer (September 19, 2022)
Finally this week, I received my local body elections pack. I have the opportunity to vote for candidates for the Mayor of Auckland, and members of the Auckland Council, for a local board, and also a liquor licensing trust (where I live in Auckland, we're a “dry” area - where we can only purchase alcohol from licensing-trust-run businesses).
Anyway, it's a fun exercise to read through the booklet where candidates have written their little blurbs about why they should be elected. It's sometimes a challenge to figure out whether somebody is a fan of conspiracy theories and other mis-aligned thinking, but sometimes they just come right out and say it!
“I will take immediate steps to remediate the harms done to those residents who were discriminated against, or coerced into taking experimental, genetically engineered, messenger RNA jabs, in order to keep their jobs, or access facilities.”
“Other assaults on body sovereignty must end, such as fluoridation and the use of all other unnecessary toxic, polluting, substances, and practices, like glyphosate and eco-toxic 1080 poison, which damage our health and wellbeing, and drive species to extinction.”
Then there's those who want to cancel efforts on the climate change front, or deny it's a reality:
"Cancel the unscientific nonsense climate change Action Plan"
Who you vote for matters. Local body elections traditionally have small turnouts, but I'm hopeful that this year, more will do so having seen the effect that those aligned with anti-scientific and conspiracy theory promoting groups could have.
Skeptics are a small bunch of people, but we should do what we can to keep the crazies out!