Sandra Goudie says no to the vaccine… again
Jonathon Harper (March 14, 2022)
Last October, I reported here on Thames Coromandel Mayor Sandra Goudie and her anti-mandate stance.
She said then that she was waiting for the Novavax vaccine. Now that it's available in NZ, she told Radio NZ that she has changed her mind, and as a result of this she is not allowed into the council building and can only attend council meetings via remote screening.
So, what is a skeptic to make of this?
Firstly I think she is perfectly entitled to change her mind. After all, scientists change their minds in the light of new evidence. She has not provided any evidence however… she told Radio NZ “It is only my business, nobody else's.”
An interesting new claim she has made is that “90% of the community are giving me the thumbs up.” So that would seem to be her informal estimate, based on what people have told her. I suspect that confirmation bias may have influenced this judgement. Or perhaps there really is substantial support in that area for her stance.
Goudie also claims vaccines include “hazardous” substances, which she does not want injected into her body. Perhaps that is her new ‘evidence'.
The other observation I would make is that, like Melanie Reid, Goudie seems likely to continue making rather crazy claims for which it is very hard to find much reliable evidence. I'll be watching with interest…
I question the suitability for public office of someone who neither seeks out reliable expert opinion, nor seems (to me at least) to be able to sort reliable information from misinformation.
I contacted one of her critics, fellow council member and barrister Gary Gotleib, for further comment, but have had no reply yet. He may have asked Goudie to please explain what the ‘hazardous substances' are. This affects all of their community. It might be a simple matter to send her an email asking that she add your disapproval to her tally. And maybe ask her about the ‘hazardous substances'. Of course, unless you live in that district, your opinion can't be added to her 10% of locals who (she suggests violently) disapprove of her anti-vaccine stance.
There may be something better you can do I haven't thought of. If so, let us know.