Liz Gunn
Craig Shearer (March 7, 2022)
I've written about Liz Gunn before. She used to be a respected broadcaster on TVNZ's One News, but has now gone well down the rabbit hole. Last year she claimed that an earthquake was Mother Nature's response to Jacinda Adern's Covid-19 response . She announced her FreeNZ movement, which appears to have political aspirations.
She was present at the protests, and has now appeared on the disinformation outlet Counterspin Media.
There's a clip of parts of her interview here, claiming that she got sick at the protest from stuff that the government put on the crowd that affected people's immune systems. She's clearly sick from Covid (ok, that's the most likely explanation - maybe she's got a bad cold - I'm not a doctor!)
You can watch the video on YouTube.
She even questions the legitimacy of Jacinda Adern's prime ministership, claiming that that will be examined one day, when the people take back power.
The interview had to end when she complained of her temperature spiking and having trouble breathing.
Hopefully she pulls through her Covid infection successfully. Will she infect others? Will this make her realise that Covid is real? Will we see more of her in the future?