Bronwyn Takes Over
Bronwyn Rideout (February 28, 2022)
Welcome to the Skeptics Newsletter!
As I've been a prolific writer this week, Craig and Mark decided I should have the honour of crafting the intro of this week's Newsletter. We had such a great time putting together the first episode of the Yeah…Nah! podcast that we've recorded another one! The link is at the bottom of this newsletter, and we are always interested in getting feedback from listeners. We are keen to bring on the occasional outside guest as well, and already have a great contributor lined-up for the next episode; so get in touch if you have something you'd like to have published in the newsletter, and let us know if you'd be happy to talk with us about it on the podcast as well.
In this edition I've written about the NZ Skeptics' contribution to the recently passed Conversion Therapy ban, and present Part 2 of my foray into Sri Chinmoy. Mark has tried to get a copy of the Lotus Heart Private Contract but, alas, our reputation preceded us and his request was denied as he was outed as a skeptic (darn!). Mark has also written about his obsession with why so many people are obsessed with Nuremberg.
“Profest 2022” continues to be the topic of conversation for Wellingtonians, and now the rest of the country can share in the experience with encampments established throughout the country. Auckland Domain has become New Zealand's newest camping destination following a march across the Harbour Bridge, organised by Destiny Church's Freedom and Rights Coalition (FARC). Cranmer Square in Christchurch, long a site of weekly, unauthorised FARC protests, has been similarly occupied for some time.
The population of the parliamentary village fluctuates daily but the longer the camp remains in place, the more permanent infrastructure is installed. Proper, porcelain toilets are now available, although the plumbing is illegally connected to Wellington's wastewater. Reports that protestors were wearing tin foil hats made worldwide headlines, with claims that EMF and not COVID-19 was causing illness in the camp, care of a twitter video by Brad Flutey. Former leader of the New Conservative Party, Leighton Baker, attempted to keep multiple balls in the air by denying the presence of a radiation weapon at parliament, downplaying the likelihood of it being COVID symptoms, and staking a claim that it was due to bombardment by cell phones, wi-fi, and bluetooth. His solution? Save money on the faraday cloth by staying hydrated and removing your shoes. Oddly enough, Chantelle Baker's livestreams offer an unusual sense of reassurance as it appears the tin-foil aficionados are actually very few and far between.
Online Event: The Convoy 22-Wellington Anti-Mandate Protest at Parliament
An Analysis with Bryon Clark & Sue Bradford, organised by Humanist NZ
Monday 7th March, 6:30pm
Conspiracy researcher Byron C Clark and activist, academic, and former New Zealand politician Sue Bradford will discuss their thoughts on the Wellington Anti-Mandate Protest currently camped on Parliamentary grounds, now in its fourth week. Byron has been interviewed by Radio NZ about his thoughts on the underlying currents of this protest. The protest began with anti-mandate concern, but has morphed into a tangle of the far-right, fringe conspiracy theories and Pentecostal evangelism, and even a traditionalist Catholic sect has turned up! Sue Bradford introduced the controversial Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill in 2005, also known as the anti-smacking Bill. Humanist NZ and the NZARH both supported this Bill. Sue has over many years been an advocate for numerous social justice issues in New Zealand. It has been noted by political commentators that this Convoy 22-Anti-Mandate Protest differs markedly from past protest action. From her experience of protest action, Sue will share how she thinks this current protest is different.
Zoom Meeting ID: 831 2112 3745