Dr Sam Bailey: viruses and germs don't exist!

Another person I've written about in the past is Dr Sam Bailey. To refresh your memory, she's a doctor, previously practising as a GP, based in Christchurch. She appeared on a TVNZ medical show - The Check Up.

She's currently under investigation by the New Zealand Medical Council for her videos, which she claims are her own personal opinions. However, the council is concerned about her use of the term doctor, implying medical expertise. She doesn't have a PhD.

She has a YouTube channel that provides medical content with a distinct conspiratorial bent. It's surprising to me that her channel is still up.

However, she reserves her most egregious content for venues outside of the watchful (?) eye of YouTube's algorithms. Her latest video is a promotion for a full-length video on the must-less-restrictive Odysee platform - titled “If Covid-19 Doesn't Exist, What Is Making People Sick?”. Apparently some of her audience (who are rightfully skeptical) have questions about her assertions. Yes, you got that right - she denies that COVID is real and that viruses are a thing, and even doubts the Germ Theory of Disease!

A few quotes from her video:

  • None of the evidence trails I've pursued have ever led to direct evidence of viruses.
  • It became clear that if you were around 80 years old and had multiple co-morbidities, you were one PCR result away from being knocked off your perch.
  • Millions of humans have been injected with a substance that can only harm them, or at best provide a psychological boost when they thought it was protecting them from an illness.
  • Are the signs of a healthy population one that is anxious, isolated, medicated, vitamin-D deficient, and watching Facebook newsfeeds while feasting on fast food? It's the perfect combination to make people unwell and increase mortality in the vulnerable.
  • Germ theory should have never gotten off the ground!

So she's trying to explain the deaths from COVID on a combination of factors, and on a conspiracy. She cherry picks data to try to explain that the excess mortality is explainable and that it all adds up.

She also claims the vaccine doesn't work. According to her claims, in her household, “nobody has had a PCR test, nobody is taking any vaccines, nobody has put on a face mask, nobody is taking any pharmaceuticals. They drink the purest water, eat fruit and vegetables that haven't been sprayed with chemicals, and exercise regularly.” They also eat exclusively organic food and minimise exposure to screens, with no smartphones and no WiFi.

In order to support her lifestyle, she invites viewers to pay money on a platform called SubscribeStar - which seems to be a rip-off of Patreon.