Lift off, the end of the year, and Barry tells us why he's a skeptic

Welcome to the NZ Skeptics newsletter.

I hope this newsletters finds you well and that a pleasant Christmas was had.

This year there were claims that Santa's deliveries would result in a COVID "super-spreader event" happening. Of course, we'll probably have to wait for a few weeks to see whether this has eventuated. However, the skeptic in me is doubtful of Santa's existence, so perhaps that would rule out the basis of that story.

Anyway, I hope that nobody got anything particularly pseudoscientific as a gift, and that any conversations with family members were rationally based. I can but dream…

It's Boxing Day as I write this - another lovely sunny day in Auckland (as was Christmas Day) with an almost clear blue sky outside, and some lovely warm water at the beach. So this newsletter is going to be quite short.

Wishing you enjoy what remains of 2021 and that you experience a celebratory transition into 2022.