Skeptic Cards
Craig Shearer (November 29, 2021)
For those readers who are members of NZ Skeptics (as off 1st April 2021 - that was our cut-off date), you will have, by now, (hopefully) received your Skeptic Card in the mail, along with a couple of stickers.
The Skeptic Card is a bit of a novelty item which we decided to make and send out to our members. It's very useful in conversations to be able to prove, once and for all, that you're a card-carrying skeptic! 😊
The card is pretty special - it's been hand-written using a calligraphy pen, personalised for each person, and also with a member number. Having done that, we've also invented a process that's not particularly scalable, so, for now, this is a one-off. But we do have a lot of blank cards printed, so it's possible that at a future, in-person event, we would be able to resume handing out cards.
The stickers that came with the card are useful too. You may have seen black and white stickers printed by the White Rose group, as we've previously reported. Somebody posted a pic on social media of one of those stickers with a NZ Skeptics sticker over the top. To be clear, the sticker was removed after the pic was taken. We're definitely not encouraging illegal plastering of our stickers everywhere - though guerrilla tactics are sometimes useful. 😊
The stickers are very cheap to print, and a great way of raising interest and our public profile. We're interested in creative ideas on how we can get our name and ideas out more to the general public, and we'd certainly be interested in finding some interested graphic designers to help us out with making some great eye-catching artwork. Please let us know if you're interested.