Bruising from COVID vaccines?
Craig Shearer (November 8, 2021)
It continues to amaze me the lengths science deniers and anti-vaxxers will go to to try to convince people of vaccine harm. This week, Daniel published some pictures from an anti-vax group on our Facebook page, purporting to show extreme bruising after the COVID vaccine. You can take a look at Daniel's post here but here's a taste of the claimed bruising
The screenshots in the post make fascinating if alarming reading. There are people who claim they can smell vaccinated people (well, yes they can but do they smell any different from unvaccinated people? I'd be intrigued to see this demonstrated in a double-blinded experiment!)
These people are clearly detached from reality, and possibly the group that these posts and pictures were from is encouraging some sort of mass delusion. I'm no psychiatrist but I have a feeling it's going to end badly when some of the most extreme people are backed into having to get vaccinated or likely deal with the consequences of COVID once they're exposed to it, as we'll likely all be at some point in the future.