9/11, Billy TK sermons, Despicable Sue Grey and more

Welcome to the NZ Skeptics newsletter.

This week continues the level 4 lockdown in Auckland where I live. It's been interesting to watch the numbers and we should be encouraged by the shape of the curve. But still, there are those niggling cases popping up. It does seem unlikely that we'll be out of lockdown anytime soon.

I'm off for my second jab late this week, so will no doubt be looking forward to a couple of days having a sore arm. Still, it's a small price to pay for the reassurance that if or when I encounter COVID I'll be protected as much as is currently possible.

In the last newsletter I wrote you might remember I wrote about a complaint from Evorich. You'll no doubt be surprised to learn that we've not heard anything further from them. Their 5 days deadline lapsed without further communication. Watch this space, I guess!

Craig Shearer

Saturday this weekend marked the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 in the US. Of course, because of time zones it was Wednesday 12th September here in New Zealand when it happened, just after midnight. ... (162 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

As I've written in the past, NZ Skeptics often receive comments in our inbox and people often criticise us for parroting the mainstream media (usually abbreviated to MSM). Recent commenters have ... (189 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

Billy Te Hakiha is in the news again. You'll recall that he was recently arrested, with his “partner in crime” Vinny Eastwood, for violating the lockdown, and holding a protest. Billy and Vinny spent ... (230 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

I've written in the past about Sue Grey, the lawyer and past candidate for The Outdoors Party. She's an out and out conspiracy theorist and her Facebook page is a magnet for the most rabid ... (267 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

In the good news department this week, it was announced that there's been a shakeup at the Magic Talk network - a radio station that specialised in talkback. Peter Williams announced that he was ... (148 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

This week NZ Skeptics submitted our view on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. This bill proposes prohibiting so-called conversion therapies which aim to change a person's ... (171 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

Our annual conference is coming up in November, on the weekend of the 19th - 21. As we've previously publicised, we're holding it in conjunction with the Australian Skeptics. COVID willing, we'll be ... (396 words)

Category: News