COVID update, and more from EvoRich

Welcome to the NZ Skeptics newsletter.

This week our COVID lockdown continues, and I've some updates on that. And we got an email from EvoRich - details on our response below.

Wishing you a great week surviving lockdown, whether it's level 4 or 3. Stay safe!

Craig Shearer

The COVID Delta outbreak in Aotearoa New Zealand continues, with Auckland (where I live) and Northland being remaining in level 4 and the rest of the country moving to level 3 from Wednesday 1st ... (727 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

Most skeptics will be aware of the Steisand Effect - so called because of the unintended consequence of trying to suppress information - which happened to Barbara Streisand back in 2003 when she ... (1208 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

Finally this week, and related to the Streisand Effect above, comes the tale from David Farrier, of the popular Webworm blog. Recently, David wrote about a certain doctor in Auckland at an ... (158 words)

Category: News