More VfF dishonesty

As I've written before, one of the main purveyors of vaccine misinformation is the anti-vax, conspiracy theory group Voices for Freedom. You will have seen their distinctive branding with their blue, teal and green signs and professionally printed placards.

They glommed onto the Howl of a Protest, using it to promote their lies. It does seem that their ultimate agenda is to attack anything that the government is doing - as we've seen they have strong links to the AdvanceNZ party, so expect them to become a political force at some point in the future.

I keep track of their activities via a surreptitious, pseudonymous email address. Amusingly in one of their recent communications they claimed:

There are 3 things we know for sure:

1. The media, politicians and bureaucrats are bought and sold. We see the game they're playing. We're calling them out and holding them to account. The full extent of their conflicts and lack of real science will be exposed.

2. The Pfizer "vaccine" is not a vaccine. It is more accurately referred to as gene therapy - a harmful experiment causing significant injury.

3.The way out of this mess and tyranny is people power. When the people stand up and speak out, this ends.

I think their definition of “know” is at variance with the commonly accepted one!

## Coming soon...

We're excited to announce the combined NZ and Australian Skeptics Conference/Skepticon. We're holding this in person (COVID willing!) in **Wellington** and **Sydney** simultaneously on the weekend of **19th - 21st November**.

There will also be the option to purchase a livestream ticket.

The conference will feature speakers from both sides of the Tasman as well as some exciting international speakers.

We're seeking registrations of interest so that we can gauge interest.

Please visit the registration of interest page (hosted on the Australian Skeptics site) at the following link:

## **[Register interest](**