COVID-19 marches on
Craig Shearer (July 19, 2021)
Yes, the pandemic is still with us, and alarmingly new strains are emerging. Evolution does what evolution does.
Currently the Delta variant is in the news, and it is more transmissible than the original strain. As I write this, New South Wales in Australia has 105 new cases and a death, and is in a fairly strict lockdown in an attempt to shut down transmission. Let's hope they're successful.
We've been very fortunate that COVID hasn't escaped into the wild in NZ, especially after the visit last month by an Australian who was positive for COVID. It would seem that their previous Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine dose probably prevented them from transmitting the virus - though of course we can't be certain. Yay for vaccines!
But while sensible people are getting vaccinated, spare a thought for those who can't - those in less privileged countries who don't yet have access. But also consider the flailing vaccination rollout in the US where people are refusing the vaccine, largely along political lines, and because of misinformation from anti-vaxxers.
As I saw somebody comment on Twitter, if Fox News had been around in the 1950s we'd still be fighting Polio and Smallpox today.