Christchurch Home Show

by Barry Lennox

Last weekend I visited the Home Show in Christchurch. All the usual suspects were there, Bioptron, Shuzi and the Magnetic and Titanium healer. This was surprising as I had scanned the exhibitor list in the morning and they did not appear. So I suspect they are on some hidden/covert/backdoor list.

Anyway, once again it was Shuzi. I have crossed swords with this lot before, a few years ago they were doing the power balance stunt first exposed by Richard Saunders in Australia, Google "richard saunders exposes the power balance trick" for several versions of the trick and countermeasures. I did this to the demonstrator who was most unhappy to be messed with! I then entered a discussion over their patented NVT (Nano Vibration Technology). It was trivial to defeat his every statement, but I was dismissed as "having a closed mind". My last riposte was the old "I've an open mind but not so open that my brains fall out". But it's a waste of time, and it's much more satisfying to talk to the pot plant on the corner!

Next year I was armed with Australian media reports that essentially ran them out of Australia. So I walked up and requested a comment. He hotly denied it, tried to grab it (but I was far too quick) and after a few short exchanges he got out his cellphone and called security, or so he claimed. I like to think I spoiled a couple of potential sales.

So now I wander up and mention to all those hanging about, that it's woowoo nonsense, based neither on science nor evidence. What is also interesting is that in previous years they have had many (hundreds?) of brochures there. Not one to be seen this year.

**Here's a bit more from the Australian skeptics, including an abortive attempt to get Shuzi to front up for a real test.**
