Sue Grey court case
Craig Shearer (May 24, 2021)
The week before last we saw Sue Grey, a Nelson-based lawyer and co-leader of the NZ Outdoors party, bringing a case against the NZ Government claiming that the rollout of the COVID vaccine was illegal under the Section 23 of the Medicines Act.
Section 23 of the act allowed the Minister of Health to grant access to approved medicines to a limited number of patients. Grey's argument was that rolling out the vaccine to all kiwis over the age of 16 didn't meet the criteria of being a limited number of patients.
It does seem that it's a stretch to call all people over the age of 16 a limited number of patients, and on this point Grey's argument was correct.
However, the case was never about concern that the government was following the law on rollout of the vaccine, but instead was a full-blown anti-vax argument fest. A variety of arguments were introduced claiming that the safety of the vaccine wasn't proven, and referencing the American VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as proof that vaccines, in general, were risky and resulting in many cases of adverse effects and vaccine injury.
Grey was petitioning the court to rule the rollout illegal and requesting that the judge halt the rollout of the vaccine.
As it turned out the judge, Rebecca Ellis, sided with Grey, advising the government that the act's wording needed to be revised. However, the judge declined to stop the vaccine rollout:
“For now, I decline to exercise my discretion to grant the interim orders sought. The adverse public and private repercussions of doing so are too great, by some very considerable margin.”
If you really want to see what Sue Grey is all about, you can review her video she posted after the judgement came out. It turns out, she's a full-blown rabid anti-vaxxer, including claiming that the “cure is worse than the disease”, that COVID can be managed by drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and that people should “do their own research”.
The case was supported by Voices for Freedom (complete with their supporters holding placards outside the courthouse). To me, trying to deny people access to the vaccine is the very opposite of freedom!