That ship, and NFTs
Craig Shearer (March 29, 2021)
This week has seen the news of the ship (the Ever Given) that's been stuck for days in the Suez Canal. Interestingly, having glanced at the headlines and pictures, in my mind the ship was called the Evergreen, but that's the name of the company that runs it (Evergreen Marine).
There are some interesting points about the grounding and blockage of the canal. The first of which is how counterintuitive things are around such objects outside our ordinary human experience. There've been plenty of people on the internet offering helpful suggestions as to how to free the ship.
Amusingly, there's a website that's sprung up dedicated to whether the ship is still stuck: (And yes, as of this writing, it is).
And, the internet, being the rabbit hole that it is, led me, from that page, to see that the site has been placed on OpenSea, a market for bidding on NFTs.
So, what is an NFT?, I hear you ask. Well it's a Non-fungible Token. NFTs are the latest craze on the internet, but may well be the future of digital art. This article is a good explainer. Will NFTs be the future of being able to own unique digital art? Only time will tell!