Odd spot of the week
Craig Shearer (November 23, 2020)
This week Richard Saunders, from the Australian Skeptics pinged me online with a video of relevance to NZ Skeptics. Back in the 1990s Australian journalist Mike Willesee did a piece on a New Zealander Don Brooker who ran a colour therapy clinic in Cambridge, Waikato.
Brooker was claiming to be able to cure multiple diseases through the use of divining rods and swatches of coloured thread!
The video (available on Richard Saunder's page) is a fascinating and worrying look into this non-evidence based treatment.
Many Australians and New Zealanders were being taken in by Brooker.
A quick Google search revealed that there's still businesses in existence with direct roots to Booker, still practising the colour therapy. I give you Colour Therapy Manukau! http://www.colourtherapymanukau.co.nz/ How sad that such a business still exists, no doubt taking advantage of gullible (and potentially desperate) people.
And, there seems to be an umbrella site for all things related to this. Oh what a fascinating, if deluded world we live in.