Illogical fallacies questionnaire

Take this questionnaire if you enjoy critical thinking and have a high tolerance for nonsense.

Disclaimer: Entering into this questionnaire without a passing knowledge of logical fallacies may result in irreversible damage to your higher level brain functions.


  1. You agree that leading questions are just the worst don't you.

a. Yes

b. Hell yes

c. Ding ding ding

  1. Appeal to nature is:

a. Only natural

b. Goop

c. But Covid19 is natural

  1. False balance is:

a. Expert advice

b. A conspiracy SHEEPLE!

  1. Appeal to Antiquity has:

a. been used for centuries

b. Always worked

  1. Either it's the perfectionist's fallacy or nothing. There is no other option.

a. Prefectionists'

b. Ahhhhhhhhgh!

  1. The leader said an appeal to authority is a valid alternative to logic or science:

a. Which means I'm immune as long as I don't do anything career limiting

b. Which means you can ignore all of that social distancing malarkey and get back to work!

c. Wait…., AaaaCHOOOO!

  1. Young people use hasty generalisations because:

a. They lack education

b. They aren't cultured

c. Avocado toast

  1. Jumping to:

a. Conclusion

b. Conclusion

  1. My neighbour said anecdotes are:

a. Evidence

b. Better than allopathy

c. Great for piles

  1. Intelligent people know an appeal to flattery when they hear it because:

a. They are so clever

b. They are sharp as a tack

c. Nothing gets past them

Well done. You made it to the end of this questionnaire. Now count up all the ‘a's ‘b's and ‘c's.

If you scored mostly ‘a':

You'll know that this type of survey is silly and nothing can be gained from it. In fact you'll have figured out that if a layperson attempted it, without a passing knowledge of critical thinking concepts, this survey will not have served to educate them at all, but will rather just confuse them, sending them into a conspiracy cycle ending in top-tier tin-foil-hattery; lizard people acceptance.

If you scored mostly ‘b':

You win. Pat yourself on the back. Easy answers rule!

If you scored mostly ‘c':

You can consider yourself statistically exceptional, especially since not all questions actually had an option ‘c'. You understand that life sucks sometimes and occasionally all the choices are a bit crap. Use critical thinking skills to navigate and you'll have an advantage.