Activism and awareness
Jessica Macfarlane (November 1, 2019)
The Force Field Film Challenge
A quick word to let you all know that our project to promote herd immunity through vaccination is still in the fund-raising stage. We have been working behind the scenes to secure funding from a large donor, but still need your help.
The Force Field Film Challenge, aimed at helping kids to learn about the importance of vaccines, is an innovative competition being spearheaded by the New Zealand Skeptics.
The Challenge will test the research and creative skills of New Zealand Primary and Intermediate students in a deep dive to promote vaccination and the advantages of herd immunity. Students will be asked to put together a short film, up to three minutes long, to educate New Zealanders on how vaccination and its strong but seemingly invisible protective force field works.
Full-on creativity will be a requirement! Costumes, puppets, animation and any other presentation techniques that can grab the viewer's attention are encouraged. A comedy sketch that shows how evil diseases can get thwarted? A gritty drama demonstrating how powerful vaccinations are at keeping New Zealanders healthier? Anything goes! The Number 8 wire, out of the box thinking that New Zealand prides itself on will be put to the test.
If you are keen on offering your support to this cause, do get in touch.
Standing up against Psychic Surgery shows
Another thing we've been working on a project to reduce the harm caused by the psychic surgery shows being put on by Jeanette Wilson. She has 42 shows planned for New Zealand this year, preying on (extracting money from) vulnerable people looking for hope. We believe this is dangerous and morally corrupt thing to do. She is suggesting that spirit world doctors and surgeons can provide, through her, lasting solutions to chronic problems such as neck stiffness, arthritis, migraine, hip problems and more.
Our aim is to reach out to the venues hosting the shows to make them aware of the nature of the shows taking place so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not to cancel the booking.
We reached out to The Good Thinking Society in the UK who undertook this action there. Their efforts resulted in many venues pulling out of hosting which is a great result.
Refer these articles:
NZ Psychic Under Fire Over Health Claims
New Zealand psychic under fire in UK over 'false' health claims
Climate Strike
NZ Skeptics follow the science that anthopogenic climate change is real, and believe that we need to do something about it. Some of our committee members and their families attended the marches in a personal capacity to draw attention to this issue.
The Climate strike in CHCH, 27/09/19