Skeptics media and in the pub
Jessica Macfarlane (May 1, 2018)
In case you've missed it there is an awful lot going on in the Skeptical world all the time, right here in New Zealand.
Here is a summary of the things you can dive into.
Skeptics in the Pub
Meet like-minded people who may or may not enjoy consuming alcoholic beverages.
Of note is the meetup in Christchurch for Skeptics interested in catching Richard Dawkins & (other person) at the Issac Theatre Royal on 11 May, given the allegations that were first brought up in Buzzfeed about celebrity atheist Lawrence Krauss.
Such is the feeling about this matter, skeptics here are declaring their intention not to go to the event.
These guys are coming up to 60 podcasts (radio shows without the radio part), having started out about 5 years ago.
They feature speakers with a variety of backgrounds, and have shows such as ‘Why atheism matters', ‘Grain is bad for you?' and ‘Donate to help the Libel Reform Campaign.'
Podcast 58 covered such varied topics as the phases of the moon regarding earthquakes (no link), antivaxx stories are making the rounds on Facebook again putting people off the HPV vaccine (FACT: HPV is a cancer causing virus, and the vaccine effectively prevents it). Street epistemology may or may not be more effective than facts (see the backfire effect—which itself may have been overblown) to change minds, and pro-abortion activisim by Satanic Temple (a nontheistic religion) and abortion reform in New Zealand, and more.
Skeptical Thoughts
If you'd prefer to tune in to the actual radio, try this great show which you can then look up afterwards for lasting skeptical goodness.