No danger, Will Robinson, but aliens are approaching...
Noel Townsley (August 1, 2015)
Noel Townsley shares what he learnt at UFOs and their Spiritual Mission, a conference held by Share International NZ at Mt Eden Village Centre, Auckland.
As a child growing up, I used to watch Lost in Space on TV every week. Stranded on an alien planet thanks to Dr. Smith who sabotaged their spaceship, the Robinson family were visited each week by a different alien, usually one that was at least hostile, if not downright dangerous. The robot B9 had special sensors to detect the presence of aliens, and, as it so regularly did, would announce to the young Will Robinson “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson, alien approaching”.
It would seem, however, that B9 may have been programmed wrongly, and the aliens visiting us here on Earth mean us no harm, their only purpose to help us and help save the planet. Well, at least that is if the message being espoused by Share International NZ is to be believed – they say aliens should be revered, not feared. Through friends living in Mt Eden, I heard about an upcoming evening of enlightenment by Share International NZ – UFOs and their Spiritual Mission – being held at the Mt Eden Village Centre, and decided to attend.
In a small room with about 20 others, we were given an auditory and visual introduction to Share's beliefs and message for humanity. Basically it was two presentations – Megan, the first presenter talked more about UFOs and the world today; then Mike, in the second part, about their philosophy, meditation, and the future.
It seems Share International, a registered Charitable Trust, knows that aliens are friendly and are only here to help us as Maitreya (an alien) and self-proclaimed ‘World Teacher', informs us of all this through his only earthly spokesperson, Benjamin Creme, a 92-year-old Scottish painter, now residing in London. Maitreya communicates with Benjamin telepathically, and apparently is living undetected somewhere in London at this very moment.
The presentation started with an introduction about UFOs – how pilots have known about them for decades, but how they are “covered up” by governments who don't want us to know about them. It would seem they haven't succeeded. The real UFOs (as opposed to the imaginary ones) that people have seen, are our “space brothers and sisters” who come mostly from Venus, although not exclusively so, as all the planets have beings living on them, with nine billion on Mars alone.
You may have been wondering, like me, how it is that NASA's rover explorers, wandering the surface of Mars for some years now, have never bumped into any of these nine billion Martians? Well, it seems that there are four etheric planes, all of which are conveniently undetectable with our current technology. The closest we have come at the moment is with the Hadron Collider, which is coming close to detecting the lowest of these four levels.
So, the nine billion Martians are all there, along with all the plants and animals that you would expect there to be to support this life, but they are all on these invisible etheric levels, so we can't see them. The same is true on the somewhat more hostile environments of Venus and
Mercury – they are all there on the etheric level. And with an average temperature of 462°C on Venus, it is hard to see how anything could survive there at any other level. However, on Jupiter for some reason it is too harsh an environment, so there they are living on Jupiter's moons instead.
Mars is also the home of the spaceship builders – most of the spaceships we see, and don't see, are made there. Some of these ships are kilometres long. No factories large enough to build these have so far been seen on Mars on any of the previous NASA unmanned probes, which you would think would be pretty easy to spot, so presumably these are also in the etheric level. How the ships are invisible on Mars, but become detectable, physical, and visible here on Earth was never explained.
Alien abductions were also mentioned. These seem to fall into two categories: abductees whose stories fit Share International's view of peaceful aliens and so are believable; and those who haven't actually been abducted at all, but are the result of the person having either an overactive imagination, or having suffered from some trauma. It should be noted that the real abductees are not taken up into a spaceship physically, but ethereally, so they would actually still be here on Earth, maybe in bed asleep.
Cow mutilations also came in for attention. Popular in rural America, they are not the work of our friendly space brothers, but those of a secret government department whose job it is to spread misinformation, presumably to keep us believing in our political leaders and not attempting to snuggle up to an alien from Venus.
The space brothers also get a lot of bad press from Hollywood and sci-fi writers, making their job of bringing their universal messages that much more difficult. We were told they are not busy experimenting on us using anal probes as some have claimed, but instead are highly intelligent, compassionate and wise beings who bring us only good tidings.
We were shown a series of photographs, the first of Mt Fuji with an interesting-shaped single cloud over the cone. Several kilometres across, this apparently was not a cloud but a spaceship from Jupiter cunningly disguised as a cloud. We know this as Benjamin Creme had a (telepathic) word with Maitreya, who confirmed this to be the case. Apparently our space brothers are careful to whom they show themselves, so as not to cause panic and fear.
Several other photos of spaceships in different shapes were also shown, as well as bright objects filmed in the sky, all of which have been confirmed with Maitreya to be spaceships from different planets. It should be noted that these spaceships we see are all from our own solar system, and we are not being visited by aliens from worlds beyond these.
There are apparently thousands of UFO bases around the world, but understandably these are kept very discreet so as not to worry the public. There may be one near you right now that you didn't know existed.
Crop circles are also a sign from our space brothers. Although appearing in other parts of the world, they are mostly seen in Wiltshire, England. Despite Doug and Dave famously coming forward to say that they and other hoaxers had been responsible for the circles, it seems they are merely government lackeys, pawns used to divert attention away from their real purpose, which is the space brothers telling us that Maitreya is alive and well and living in London – at least this is so according to Benjamin Creme again. Maybe a banner in the high street might have worked better?
These crop circles are done along energy lines – energy lines that we can't detect at the moment, but will become important to us in the future.
How do we know the space brothers exist?
One in particular, Maitreya, has been in constant telepathic communication with Benjamin Creme for many years. We know this because Benjamin has told us.
And world religions, who know him variously as Jesus, Krishna, Imam Mahdi, or the Messiah, have been expecting him for a very long time. At this stage they just haven't realised their expectant leader is already here.
George Adamski, back in the 1950s, was apparently an earlier recipient of the space brother's revelations. A search on the Internet reveals some uncharitable individuals described him as a charlatan and a conman; but in George's 1950s claims he said he had been on these spaceships, and further, claimed to have travelled to the far side of the moon where he saw whole cities. It was explained that George travelled to the spaceship ethereally.
Men have since landed on the moon; but earlier than George's claims, both Russia and the US sent probes and saw the far side of the moon, which revealed it to be like the side we normally view. So, either the two countries are both involved in a cover-up, or the cities exist on one of those illusive ethereal levels.
As well as the somewhat cryptic crop circles, Maitreya has also revealed through Benjamin that there are four “stars”, roughly east, west, north and south (not sure of what point on a rotating earth), but within our atmosphere, which will help with proof if it was needed. These are not really stars, of course, but spaceships the size of several rugby fields and filled with other space brothers. Unlike stars, they will appear fuzzy, changing shape, colour and size quite rapidly while remaining in the same place. NASA and astronomers around the world have failed to find them, or if they have they aren't telling; but thanks to some amateur UFO footage on YouTube, Benjamin has confirmed that several of these sighting are in fact the four spaceships in question.
Benjamin has also revealed that Maitreya has been on TV in the US, Japan, and China speaking to an audience of millions. Of course he hasn't come out and revealed himself as such, that would cause panic, so it is up to us as individuals to slowly come to the realisation that the person we see is not whoever they appear to be, but instead, is Maitreya. Even God gets help from the space brothers it would seem – the Star of Bethlehem was actually a spaceship, guiding the Wise Men to find the baby Jesus, so Maitreya has revealed to Benjamin.
What the space brothers will, and are currently, doing for us
We were told that the space brothers – incredibly evolved beings that are technologically about 1000 years ahead of us – are not here to take leadership, or even to influence us, as this is contrary to the Universal Law of Free Will. They are simply here to keep an eye on us, and in our own time, reveal the true state of our solar system to us.
From the Share International website:
Between 1977 and 1982, Maitreya telepathically communicated fragments of his teachings to Benjamin Creme at Creme's regular public meetings in London. A recurrent theme was the need to end the suffering of millions of people who go hungry or starve in our world, which actually has a surplus of food. This imbalance is one of the primary reasons why Maitreya returns at this time.
The space brothers have a deep concern for the way we have been polluting the planet, with CO2 emissions causing global warming. This is known as the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Our use of nuclear power is also a major concern to them; in fact if it weren't for them busily mopping up 80% of the nuclear waste we have burdened this planet with already, by now Earth would have been uninhabitable. Of course this toxic waste is not found at the current lower level of understanding that we have, since we could measure that; but this is the waste that has made it to the higher ethereal level.
In time, the space brothers will reveal the universal Technology of Light to us just as soon as all the world's leaders sign an agreement never to go to war again. Currently we don't have the technology to measure this energy which comes from the crop circles – remember they are built on energy lines – but we are told it will make a dramatic change to us, freeing us from dangerous nuclear fission, and allowing us to harness the comparatively safe cold fusion process, thus curbing our current polluting ways. Once we have the knowledge (apparently currently being supressed by the power companies) from our space brothers, we will be able to create sustainable energy from isotopes of water.
What is Share International doing to assist in this process?
Currently, apart from helping to spread the word that the space brothers cometh, Share International meets every Sunday evening at 6pm to practice Transmission Meditation. This is to help channel universal energy which would otherwise be lost to humanity. Apparently the group acts as a form of step-down transformer, converting these massive cosmic energies into a form that can be used by us.
They do this by way of a chant, and then move this soul level energy from the aagya chakra (between the eyes) through their other chakras in their bodies, and then from there it is dispersed mainly to humanitarian groups at this stage.
Transmitting the energy this way is quite safe, as it is controlled by the Masters, who, being scientists themselves, know that the chakras when stimulated “scientifically” are quite safe for us. Join a local group near you today and you can start charging up the earth.
The hand of Maitreya
In 2001 the hand of Maitreya, apparently appeared on a mirror in Barcelona. The female owner went into the guest bathroom of the house and saw a handprint on the mirror and cleaned it off. A few days later she saw the same handprint on her own bathroom mirror. Instead of wiping it off, or having a quiet word with her cleaner, this time she got in touch with her son, coincidentally a member of Share International. He took a picture of it and sent it to Benjamin Creme, who confirmed with Maitreya, that it was indeed his hand print. It was explained that this was the closest Maitreya could come to revealing himself to humanity without an invitation. According to Share International's website this image, supposedly with holographic properties, claims to also have extraordinary healing properties:
In the case of the healing waters Maitreya has magnetized all over the world, the water itself is imbued with energy from the constellation Aquarius. However, in the case of the image of Maitreya's hand, the energy does not reside in the photo, but is invoked from Maitreya when you place your hand over the image or simply look at it. You are, in effect, calling forth his healing or blessing or help – whatever is possible within the karmic law. The same effect can be produced even with a photocopy of the image.
It is a window to Maitreya. Luckily, we live in an age of photocopiers, so we can all get in touch with him if we need to.
How will we know Maitreya?
Mike, the second presenter, talked about the coming of Maitreya. Currently there are 63 other Masters working with humanity behind the scenes and 40 have been preparing to emerge and work with humanity, 15 of which have currently taken up their positions in different cities around the world, such as LA, New York and Darjeeling, with the Master Jesus, understandably, taking up a position in Rome. These 40 will work with initiates and disciples – some of whom currently don't know they are disciples – to start building a better world.
Maitreya, the most advanced of these Masters, who has been around for millions of years and wishes only to be known as The Teacher, will eventually reveal himself to us. In 1977 he transitioned to this world in Pakistan, and now resides in London. We have just come out of the Age of Pisces which spanned the last 2600 years, a period where we came to know ourselves as individuals, and which has left us with a legacy of our selfishness; but the good news is we have now entered the Age of Aquarius, which will continue for the next 2200 years. This means we will leave behind the spiritual crisis we currently find ourselves in, due to our current materialistic egocentric ways, and will pave the way for a more humanitarian future, where we can better understand the world and how we are connected to it, and for us to recognise Maitreya.
Maitreya will reveal himself to us just as soon as we have all come to recognise the currently unknown individual appearing on TV around the world who is not just an average human being, but is in fact Maitreya. Benjamin Creme has advised he is here, some have recognised him, but Ben is sworn to secrecy, so will neither confirm nor deny to any of those people if they are correct.
We must all come to this conclusion on our own.
What of the future when all is revealed?
So, as soon as we all come to the realisation we are one big global family and that Maitreya is here and we ask for his help, he will reveal himself to everyone in the world over the age of 14 at the same time – this will be the Day of Declaration. He will talk to everyone telepathically, revealing to us some of his experience and wisdom. This “Christ Principle” they call it, will flow to everyone, and at the same time many thousands of miraculous cures will take place.
We can then expect the evil stock market to collapse, and an end to our current egocentric behaviour. And the United Nations will become overseers of world resources, where countries with a surplus will share their excess for free with the countries that require it. And with the help of the space brothers, their revelations on sustainable energy will mean an end to nuclear reactors and weapons. A new era of peace, love and happiness will emerge.
Do I still need convincing?
If you were to ask me if I believed that there was the possibility of life in the universe beyond our planet, I would have to say ‘Yes”. But, do I believe the Earth is some sort of Grand Central Station on a cosmic highway with millions of visitations each year from ethereal Martians and Venusians? The answer is “No”.
To me the whole presentation seemed to be a onesize- fits-all approach, with a mix of warnings to us of the dangers of things like nuclear power and pollution like many a 1950s sci-fi movie, mixed with a smattering of bits from different religions, with some New Age mumbo-jumbo thrown in to make it appeal to many, and all topped off with secret government departments trying to suppress the truth.
I am also deeply suspicious of anyone who claims to be the sole messenger of another invisible and otherwise uncontactable entity, the only proof being their word, as in the case of Benjamin Creme, who can conveniently confirm his own stories with nary a murmur from his devoted followers.
There also seems to be a contradiction with the claim that the space brothers don't want to influence us in any way, but then want to warn us and reveal their secrets to us – secrets that would provide “free” energy. If that doesn't influence things, I don't know what will. And to get all this, all we have to do is get all the world leaders to sign a peace agreement? This should ensure Benjamin does not have to produce Maitreya for many years to come.
Finally, if Maitreya is that concerned about the immediate future of our planet as claimed, what is he waiting for? He might have been around for millions of years, but if his predictions of impending doom are correct, we can't wait much longer.